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Friday, June 5, 2009

Yey !!! Finally School Holiday

Hello world,welcome back again.Finally,it was holiday im happy today.Got 6 h/w today so I need to finish it today.Mdm Chan and Chen Lao Shi h/w only,math,chinese,karangan,english,this only for today.Yey,tommorrow my cuz [Alisya] want to sleepover my house,we can habbo for long time,play basketball and more.Finally,my XXX say something at my blog:"Eh awk tulis psl sy ker ??"it mean "u write about me ??"then I ask "jwb sy dulu ley tk cam ne awk dpt blog sy ??"it mean "answer me first,how do u get my blog ??".I wonder who tell him the url because I changed my url long time a go ??My brain has a lot of "????"that is in my brain now.Oh yea,just nice for the time to world,that my uncle played basketball last month with my dad,my uncle like talk big with us say how to play and blablabla.At last,he was lost with my father.Actually on that day,me,Alisya,Yusuf and my dad was in same group and my uncle is alone.So,thats why my uncle lost.How can 4 bit 1 ppl,thats not fair la.Ok lah,I want to chat with my cousin and here David Archuleta songs,So take care!CIAO!!!!

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