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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sry For The Way...

Hello my friends,Im here too update my last programme.My last programme is my Aunt's Wedding,10Oct-11Oct are my aunt sweet day.At 10Oct,we went to her house for akad nikah.After finish akad nikah,we went to the clubhouse for dinner.While me and Alisya were waiting for our food,Uncle Ari's daughter,Ariyanna wanted to sit with me and Alisya.So,she sat beside me and Alisya sat beside someone.Alisya and me were ran off sat at the next table,Ariyanna is a (qiao po) like that so she cry louder,me and alisya were shocked and being scold from a 'tiger'.The 'tiger' didn't know that her grandchild wanted to sat with us because she wanted me and alisya to fed her.And the 'tiger' ask me and alisya to live in the jungle.Actually I wanted to tell you all that Ariyanna wanted to follow us wherever we go including toilet too.That day,I lied her that I got preroid actually NO!!!Because both of us waned to avoid from her...

Pls answer this question:Should Me and Alisya live in the JUNGLE?

Answer at my cbox thank you...

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